
Zixi Lu Yatou

Ingredients: raw duck head. Accessories: ginger, garlic, parsley, dried chili. Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, cooking oil. Spices: pepper, aniseed, cinnamon, geraniol.

Preparation: Wash the duck head, remove the remaining fine hair spare, onion cut long section, ginger beat spare, coriander, remove the old roots washed with water, spare, spices with gauze packed spice package spare, The pot to do the oil into a hot pepper when the scent of a little pepper out of the scent will be picked out, and then down into the dry pepper, onion ginger stir the flavor, the duck head in the bottom of the pot neatly after cooking wine, into the soy sauce color, Into the water to just drowned duck head, the spices into the salt after the next package, sugar seasoning, to be open fire after the fire will be small duck to taste tasty

Features: meat is very tight, very flexible, fine nibbling between the fine pieces of meat, those hidden in the cracks in the meat is very delicate, and the skin taste different, Lo Weixiang, spicy and cool.

price:market price
address:Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Zixi County, Dajue Mountain Tourism Scenic Area.